''The Day of the Triffids'' is a British television series which was first aired by the BBC in 1981. An adaptation by Douglas Livingstone of the 1951 novel by John Wyndham, the six half-hour episodes were produced by David Maloney and directed by Ken Hannam, with original music by Christopher Gunning. It premiered simultaneously in the UK and in Australia on ABC Television. ==Plot summary== The series takes place in late 20th century Britain. A spectacular meteorite shower unexpectedly renders most of humanity blind, leading to the breakdown of society literally overnight. Totally unaware of this, Bill Masen (John Duttine) by chance has retained his sight by virtue of being in hospital with his eyes bandaged. Bill is a Triffid farmer. The Triffids are mobile carnivorous plants, each armed with a lethal stinger, which had hitherto been cultivated for their oil. Though Bill was wearing protective clothing, some of the poison had still seeped into his eyes. His bandages are due to be removed to see if the medical treatment has been successful. When nobody shows up, he tentatively removes the bandages himself and gradually discovers the catastrophe around him. He rescues Josella "Jo" Playton (Emma Relph) from her vicious blind captor. She had slept through the meteorite shower. They eventually come across a small band of similarly lucky survivors who have decided to leave London and establish a community elsewhere to begin rebuilding civilization. They are opposed by Jack Coker (Maurice Colbourne), who can see. He wants them to help the blind, not abandon them. When the others reject his scheme, he and a few sighted helpers capture some of the group, including Bill and Jo. He assigns each to a group of the blind. Bill is handcuffed to two of his charges. Bill and Jo have been separated by this point. Meanwhile, the Triffids get loose and run amok amongst the helpless blind human population, slaughtering and feeding on them. Between the Triffids and a lethal disease, most of Bill's people eventually die; the rest scatter. Bill starts searching for Jo, and teams up with Jack, who admits his plan did not work as he had hoped. They drive through the English countryside. Eventually, they encounter part of the group that had left London. The group had split in two after a disagreement over morality: the ones who stayed behind, led by Miss Durrant (Perlita Neilson), refused to accept that polygamy would be necessary to repopulate the world. After more fruitless searching, Jack decides to return to Miss Durrant's community. Bill finds a young girl, Susan, and takes her along. Finally, he recalls that Jo had spoken of a place belonging to her friends in the Sussex Downs. There he is reunited with her. They erect a protective wall around the farm to keep out the Triffids, and start raising a family. After six years, Jack shows up in a helicopter. Miss Durrant's group has been wiped out by the Triffids, but the other faction has secured the Isle of Wight and cleansed it of the mobile plants. With the situation deteriorating where they are, Bill, Jo, three blind friends, and the children prepare to join them. Before they can, however, several uniformed men drive up in an armoured car; they are part of an organisation that is setting up a feudal society, with the sighted as the new aristocracy. In their setup, one sighted person is in charge of ten of the blind. They plan to assign more blind people to Bill and Jo, and take Susan away to learn how to care for others. Bill gets the soldiers drunk and sabotages their armoured car. Then he and the rest of his people drive away, leaving the gates open for the besieging Triffids. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Day of the Triffids (1981 TV series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク